Introduction & Hype | [top] |
I don't have an official name for this project yet; for now I'll
just call it Personal Library Manager (PLM).
Actually I already have a kind of PLM system in use at home using PostgreSQL with the front-end (the actual application) implemented, or rather hacked together, in perl. I'm not sure its of a releaseable quality though. However it does mean I have a sort of infrastructure, mainly the database itself, to build off of.
The goal here is to produce a more user-friendly, not to mention
spiffy looking free library app for the bibliophile.
The project will leverage the vast resources of the Library of
Congress to make book entry much easier.
It will also utilize the resources of Amazon and Barnes and Noble
for cover image acquisition.
In addition the CueCat scanner by DigitalConvergence/RadioShack
offers a novel means of input that can make things easier still.
Changes | [top] |
License | [top] |
I don't know which license I'll use yet;
probably either GPL, QPL or The Artistic License.
Screenshots | [top] |
Nothing yet
Requirements | [top] |
I know you'll need Java. I'm using v1.3.1 implementations from
Sun and IBM for development, along with IBM superfast
I'm also using the free
database on the backend.
Disclaimer | [top] |
Like ResCafé this app will be developed on an Intel/x86
Linux box. I'll try to do some additional testing on Windoze
using Cygwin (otherwise I couldn't get anything done on Win).
Installation | [top] |
Nothing yet.
Known Bugs & Caveats | [top] |
NO KNOWN BUGS! WOW! (Of course, there is no actual app either
but that's beside the point...)
Download | [top] |
No releases yet.
Acknowledgements | [top] |
Thanks for stopping by... |